Leadership Essentials

Scaling Culture

Celebrate differences and leverage the rich cultural diversity across your region to accelerate growth. Architect an environment for different people to thrive and set the tone to create a sense of belonging in multiple regional teams.

As the team grows, what can we expect in terms of culture-building and how might we foster an environment that feels safe and motivating? Building a strong team culture means you need to get your team members involved from day one.

What will you learn in this module?

01 /

Learn to establish team cadence and align individual goals with performance reviews.

02 /

Create a 'user manual' for amplifying culture based on previous capacity planning and team design work.

01 /

Learn to establish team cadence and align individual goals with performance reviews.

02 /

Create a 'user manual' for amplifying culture based on previous capacity planning and team design work.

03 /

"From writing code 100% to writing code now 20-25%. Almost all of my time now goes into management and having discussion with my teammates, and resolving their issues, with the help of NewCampus."

Aryan Maurya
Software Developer at Ayoconnect

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