Management Essentials


Giving feedback that lands and leads to action is essential to being a great manager.

Learn how to give regular feedback that is specific, actionable, and motivating, even when the conversation is challenging.

What will you learn in this module?

01 /

Feedback is the most impactful when the approach is planned, especially for difficult conversations

02 /

High quality feedback encourages change or action

01 /

Feedback is the most impactful when the approach is planned, especially for difficult conversations

02 /

High quality feedback encourages change or action

03 /

How to ask for feedback and create a culture of feedback as the norm for your team

"At the end of the day, when they are happy, when they are doing the job, that's actually when you realize actually you have you have done a good job as a leader or as a manager."

David Setiawan
Head of Marketing at Jobstreet

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