Management Essentials

Effective 1-1s

Regular 1-1s are the most powerful method to understand your reports' development and engagement.

Learn how to remove roadblocks, energise your team and cultivate stronger working relationships.

What will you learn in this module?

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1-1s are the best opportunity to track engagement and development of your direct report

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Productive 1-1s are a series of regular and planned conversations

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1-1s are the best opportunity to track engagement and development of your direct report

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Productive 1-1s are a series of regular and planned conversations

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Structured 1-1s which permit coaching and feedback increase team engagement and motivation

"One on one sessions shouldn't only be focused on work-related issues. It should also go around with getting to know your direct report deeply."

Shaira Lyn Abdon
Inbound Marketing Team Lead at Sprout Solutions

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