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Build Trust & Leadership Through Vulnerability with Chiara Haenel

February 12, 2021

Why vulnerable leaders are better at building organisations that encourage more trust and higher performance

In business, vulnerability has been generally seen as a weakness, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Chiara Haenel, Mindset Coach and Organisational Learning Consultant at, sees vulnerability as an undervalued quality of growing managers. Leaders who have the courage to be vulnerable are known to build organisations that encourage more trust and better performance.

In her workshop on Build Trust Through Vulnerability, Chiara explains this seemingly paradoxical relationship between effective leadership and vulnerability.

Why vulnerability matters

At the heart of a good business are relationships built on trust.

Says Marcus Lemonis, a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur and investor: “So often in business we think that a very proper and stern way of conducting ourselves as know-it-alls and macho men and women is the way to be. But I actually believe that business is built on relationships.”

“Relationships are built on trust, and trust is built on vulnerability and transparency.”

Brené Brown, the go-to vulnerability leadership expert, defines vulnerability as uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure. According to her, vulnerability matters because:

  • You’ll be prepared for “productive failure”. When you know productive failure is a possibility you may be more inclined to be courageous and try and create something bigger and better despite the risks.
  • You’ll build a greater tolerance for discomfort, which will help you move in the right direction as you’ll know that you’re growing and challenging yourself.
  • You’ll foster a culture of psychological safety for your team and in doing so, help them feel safe in sharing ideas, feedback and putting in their best work.

Vulnerable leaders know how to use and share their vulnerability to develop themselves into better leaders. Leading by example, they’re able to create an environment where their team is able to do the same.

What you’ll learn

Through Chiara’s workshop, you’ll gain a greater understanding of:

  • The key elements of transformative leadership
  • Using role-play to practice vulnerable conversations and questions in the right frame of mind
  • The power of letting go and trusting the process

While being vulnerable at work can feel risky at first, it also gives you as a leader the opportunity to hold meaningful conversations that become authentic, long-lasting relationships.

Sign up here to join Chiara’s class on Build Trust Through Vulnerability, part of a 4-class series in our Emotional Intelligence learning track.

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