Sujoy Sen
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Chief Marketing Officer Asia
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About Me

How would you describe your current role and the biggest challenges you face?

In my role as CMO at Kyndryl Asia, I’m thrilled to be part of the journey to build a brand from the ground up across the diverse markets in the region.

The challenge lies in establishing Kyndryl’s unique identity, distinct from our IBM legacy. Our focus is on creating a new strategy, culture, and go-to-market approach that’s nothing like Big Blue. This involves improving signings, account relationships, overall profitability, fostering alliances with hyperscalers and tech firms, and humanizing our brand through our leaders and teams in country

What is a common misconception about the work you do?

Brand building and Account Based Markeing (ABM) are sometimes perceived as fuzzy marketing tactics - at Kyndryl we’re focused on the outcomes we drive through ABM impact (signings, reputation and relationships).

While we build our brand across Asia with our most important customers (that make up majority of our business). ABM isn't just a tactic; it is at at the heart of how we drive meaningful engagement and long-term growth strategy for growth across Asia

How did you get started in your marketing career?

Fun fact - I began my career seeking a job as a photojournalist out of college as I had a passion for photography and human storytelling. There was no money in it and i had a degree in economics.  I guess, just like capturing the perfect moment or crafting a compelling narrative, marketing is about constructing the right narrative that will resonate with audiences.  

My analytical background in my early years at IDC helped me understand market dynamics, while my love for storytelling, the human connection and building teams aligned to sales outcomes eventually (rather late in my career) led to marketing as a natural progression.

Describe the most impactful marketing campaign/project you've personally worked on.

Creating the Kyndryl brand from scratch was transformative. We developed a new name, visual identity, strategy, and culture, emphasizing customer centricity through Account-Based Marketing (ABM). So, ABM isn’t a hedge for me; it’s a vital part of what we do in marketing at Kyndryl that builds relationships and strengthens our account coverage and overall pursuit strategy for an existing account.

This approach ensures we stay deeply connected with our clients and proactive engage on their requirements

What is one marketing trend or change you're not convinced will work for SEA tech brands?

Scaling globally while aligning to local conditions is crucial in our diverse Asian landscape. Global campaigns on Gen-AI, sustainability, and cyber preparedness must be fine-tuned for local markets.

Generic templates for global campaigns while speedy in execution, can often fall flat without this localization

What is one marketing trend or change that you hope to see more of at SEA tech brands? And, why?

Relatively new for us at Kyndryl - I have begun to advocate for marketing's role in "Pursuit Marketing" for our larger deals.  

Marketing has a key role to play on our large pursuits -  I would love to see how marketing can support the entire pursuit life-cycle from business development to the final submission. This integrated approach ensures campaigns are grounded in market realities and aligned with business objectives, driving more effective and impactful results.

What is your favourite marketing resource that you would recommend to this community? And, why?

“Wisdom lies in the experience of the past.”

Engaging with alumni and industry veterans provides invaluable outside-in perspectives. Their insights help us blend tradition with innovation, driving success through 'outside-in coaching'

Lastly, where are you based, and where would you take friends visiting your city for the first time?

I am based in Singapore. For a first-time visit, I’d take friends to a Peranakan restaurant. Just as Peranakan cuisine beautifully blends Malay and Chinese influences, effective marketing blends creativity and strategy to create something truly special.

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