Rendhy Ardya Pradhita
What I do
Head of People
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Assisting hypergrowth companies
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About Me

How would you describe your current role to a HR outsider?

I manage the end-to-end HR process. In simple words, I do provide the best employee experience to candidates, employees and alumnus, while aligning with business goals and company productivity.

What is a common misconception about the work you do?

Employees think that HR is representative of management. While management think that HR is representative of employees. Both are right and wrong at the same time, because actually the role of HR is to facilitate both parties and balancing both needs.

How did you get started in your HR career?

I graduated as a Nuclear Engineer, and first 5 years of my career journey was spent as a Corporate Planning. Then, one of my friend asked me to join his team as an HR, especially HR Development role, in an emerging ecommerce startup company. It all started from there.

Describe the most impactful HR project you've personally worked on.

I joined a company as Head of People with the number of employees at that moment just around 100 people, with the help of a5 HR taam. In the next 2 years, the employees grew to around 500 people across Indonesia (also in Singapore, India, & other countries) with WFA working arrangement, and the HR team also growing to +-20.

Assisting the growth of a company is not an easy task, as we face many challenge and industry dynamics during that time.

What is one HR/future of work trend or change you're not convinced will work for SEA startups?

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is something relatively new for company originated from SEA, and rarely they have initiatives to implement unless being asked by their shareholders/stakeholders from multinational company especially from North America and Europe. It is because there are some basic cultural differences between Western company and SEA company.

What is one HR/future of work trend or change that you hope to see more of at SEA startups?

Employee Experience and Leadership Decision Making Process related with people management. Employee especially the younger generation is no longer perceive themselves just as a "labor". With the rise of globalization and easiness to access and share information, those kind of things need to be managed effectively.

What is your favourite HR resource that you would recommend to this community?

My resources are other HR practitioners, as we can learn from each other's experience.

Lastly, where are you based, and where would you take friends visiting your city for the first time?

I live in Depok, a city near Jakarta. I will bring them to University of Indonesia, an infamous university located only few kilometers from my home.

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