Jeanette Wong
What I do
Head of Growth Marketing and CRM, Centre of Excellence
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About Me

How would you describe your current role and the biggest challenges you face?

My role is to drive growth in revenue through acquisition of new users. These are the top 3 challenges I face on the daily. First, to establish cross-functional operations and efficient ways of working to drive scalable and sustainable growth.

Second, to provide clarity to the team so that they can achieve the stretched target given to them. Last but not least, to prioritize so that the team's effort and focus is placed on the highest impacting initiative rather than ineffective bandaids.

What is a common misconception about the work you do?

For growth marketing, people tend to think it's just tactical and not strategical at all. While that's the case day to day, following a system of learning means that the opportunities shapes the strategy.

How did you get started in your marketing career?

I started as a merchandiser in Groupon (now Fave) and picked up growth analytical skills there.

Describe the most impactful marketing campaign/project you've personally worked on.

"What's your weird?" which was targeted at the all aspiring digital content creators, encouraging them to embrace their weird regardless of what it looked like. This resulted in 150 organic entries across various genre and allowed the brand to build a closer relationship with creators which was a core persona of the brand.

What is one marketing trend or change you're not convinced will work for SEA tech brands?

AI for creative work. While useful to source ideas and establish style, AI outputs are currently very obvious and lacks the ability to evoke human emotions required to form deeper meaning for brands.

What is one marketing trend or change that you hope to see more of at SEA tech brands? And, why?

Short-form content to personify the brand. It's entertaining to see creativity within boundaries of the modern digital natives' limited attention span.

What is your favourite marketing resource that you would recommend to this community? And, why?

Interaction Design Foundations! It creates a strong foundation of design thinking that is applicable across domains and allows marketers to form connections and understand multiple perspectives faster.

Lastly, where are you based, and where would you take friends visiting your city for the first time?

I'm based in Singapore and I would take friends coming over to a hawker centre to have a good plate of hokkien mee and satay.

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