Dian Paskalis
What I do
Director of Growth & Regional VP of Online Marketing
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About Me

How would you describe your current role and the biggest challenges you face?

I drive growth through marketing strategy, digitalization, and improving customer experience. The biggest challenges now: staying on top of trend that changes fast, getting ahead of the competition where the entry barrier always gets lower, and measuring channel-based ROI is no longer effective.

What is a common misconception about the work you do?

Marketing is all rainbows. What worked for others will also work for us.

How did you get started in your marketing career?

I was actually a Product Manager. At one point, the company I worked with had people shortage so I double-hatted as Marketing Manager. Somehow it just worked and I grew fast in Marketing. So here I am.

Describe the most impactful marketing campaign/project you've personally worked on.

I established Digital Marketing CoE in an OTA company from scratch as focal point for innovation, forward-thinking, competency center, and governance. The principle was applied in one of the Big 4 Advertising Agency and it became an example of success for the other member agencies in Indonesia.

What is one marketing trend or change you're not convinced will work for SEA tech brands?

Voice Search and VR.

What is one marketing trend or change that you hope to see more of at SEA tech brands? And, why?


What is your favourite marketing resource that you would recommend to this community? And, why?


Lastly, where are you based, and where would you take friends visiting your city for the first time?

I'm based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

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